Juventudes y cambio climático: las intersecciones de género, etnia y edad en la configuración de la vulnerabilidad climática en el sector agrícola en Latinoamérica

In this chapter, the authors show that there is a diversity of vulnerabilities in the sense that different groups of young people, who have different degrees of exposure to climate change and may have differentiated resources to deal with them. For this, they examine the threat of high temperatures in the agricultural sector and the differences in vulnerability between the profiles of young people employed in the sector in Mexico, Guatemala, Peru and Chile. Results show that the interaction between location, age, ethnicity and gender builds different exposure profiles, which add to each country’s unequal threats and strengths institutions to build distinct vulnerabilities to climate change. The analysis highlights the greatest vulnerability of the young indigenous population and the gender differences, along with showing an increase in exposure to the threat of  high temperatures for young generations in the future. This underlines the need to develop public policies that address and listen to the demands and needs of this group, and respond to the principle of intergenerational justice of sustainable development.

Author Name(s): 
Landy Sánchez Peña, Susana Adamo

Sánchez Peña, L. and S. Adamo. 2022. Juventudes y cambio climático: las intersecciones de género, etnia y edad en la configuración de la vulnerabilidad climática en el sector agrícola en Latinoamérica. In UNESCO/COLMEX/CLACSO, eds. Danzar en las brumas. Género y juventudes en entornos desiguales en América Latina y el Caribe. danzarenlasbrumas.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/InformeGyJ-DanzarBrumas-vpreprint.pdf  Pages: 89-109.

Publication type: 
Books and Reports
Chapter in Book
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 