Ebb and Flow, Volume 2 : Water in the Shadow of Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa

The Middle East and North Africa Region encapsulates many of the issues surrounding water and human mobility. It is the most water-scarce region in the world and is experiencing unprecedented levels of forced displacement. Ebb and Flow: Volume 2. Water in the Shadow of Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa examines the links between water risks (harmful outcomes related to water, from droughts and floods to lack of sanitation), conflict, and forced displacement.

Author Name(s): 
Borgomeo, Edoardo; Jägerskog, Anders; Zaveri, Esha; Russ, Jason; Khan, Amjad; Damania, Richard

Borgomeo, Edoardo; Jägerskog, Anders; Zaveri, Esha; Russ, Jason; Khan, Amjad; Damania, Richard. 2021. Ebb and Flow, Volume 2 : Water in the Shadow of Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa. Washington, DC: World Bank. © World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/36090 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.

Publication type: 
Books and Reports
Publication year: 